What is Growth Track?
Growth Track is a simple 4 step journey that equips you to follow Jesus, connect to the church, discover your purpose, and serve others. Every Sunday after each service, we meet at both of our church locations to take the next step in Growth Track for only about 20 minutes.
We have an amazing team along with some of our pastors and staff that would love to meet you and help equip you through Growth Track. If you’re new at Brave and want to learn more or maybe you’ve been here for a while, but you’ve interested in seeing what Growth Track is all about, this is your next step.
Why Do I Need Growth Track?
We believe every person has a unique purpose, calling, personality, and gift that God has given. The tricky part can be discovering and identifying those areas in your life and knowing how to apply it to make a difference in our world. Growth Track will help you to discover each of those areas, but more importantly, will equip you to use those gifts to make a bigger impact on people.
Growth Track consists of 4 simple steps
Step 01 - Follow (1st Sunday of Each Month)
This step is all about learning the spiritual journey that God has for each of us, which is to follow Jesus.
Step 02 - Connect (2nd Sunday of Each Month)
This step is all about exploring the ministry of Brave Church and its background. It will also show you what Brave has to offer to invest into you and how you can further connect with our church family and community.
Step 03 - Discover (3rd Sunday of Each Month)
This step is all about discovering your personality and gifts and see how they indicate your purpose in life and your best fit in ministry to have the biggest impact on people at church, your family, your friends, and your co-workers.
Step 04 - Serve (4th Sunday of Each Month)
This step is all about connecting to the many opportunities at Brave Church to live our your purpose and make a difference by serving others through your gifts and talents.
Ready to jump into Growth Track?
Great! We can’t wait to see you this Sunday! Simply join us after any service and either of our locations to jump into Growth Track. You can join anytime, even if you’re not starting at Step 01 for your first time. The only goal is to complete all 4 steps of Growth Track.